Saturday, June 09, 2007

A year Later..

Erm..i abandon this blog for like a year. haha.. erm...i'm back?
I stop blogging after starting getting sick of my life and some stuff happen lah. i dont want to get reminded. Ok. Someone reminded me and told me that he used to like reading my blog. I didnt know i had a audience leh..muahhaha...

Well... past 1 year.

Finally got my advanced Diploma ?
Just a quick re-cap.

Got my Advanced Diploma...(after failing and failing...i think it was sheer bad luck or just plain stupid..)
Move on... to MIS - Curtin for the degree programme... (I needed a change lah..keep failing at PSB..)

Most people think it's stupid to go through the advanced diploma when you have a local diploma. but when i enrolled i wasnt sure whether i could do it or not. But the advanced Diploma set me a better background. I was able to relate better and not suffering from culture shock. Although assignments are heavy commitment stuff. I even got a comment that I was stupid to go through the advance diploma.
Whatever it is...I go through it and got exempted 8 modules.

Ah... I wanted to blog about something. But I forgot? been living on short term memory lately... until i remember i will blog? haha..

Qoute of the day : Life is just pepper & salt?