Wednesday, April 20, 2005


I havent updated for quite sometime. Been quite busy? Busy lazing around. Hee! Afterall, I dont have much time to laze around in future.
Define: lazing around
1) Basically just sitting there to read a magz or read a book
2) Indulge myself in my super addictive cross stitch. I'm currently doing a carebear picture.
3) Just lying on the floor and trying to focus on my Sony TV. Focus! Not trying to fall asleep.
4) Just lying on my bed, and look at my pink comforter? (This month is Pink Month LOL. )
5) Indulging into a Movie provided the DVD is very clear. You see, I get very frustrated when I have to pitch out how the actress looks like and what they are actually trying to say. (Ps, this only happen when its a pirated, so only buys original haha!)

Something that I have to blog, the cinema price hike is driving me mad. Its actually $9.50 per ticket on a weekend. (Note, W.E.F 1st May 2005, thats our labour day present! Fruits of our labour is to pay more for cinema tickets)
Now I know why William refuses to watch any movie. Haha! Because, it so god damn expensive!
Picture this, a couple who only meet up on weekends, in order to spend more time with each other, they decide to catch a midnight show.
Cinema Tickets: $ 9.50 X 2 = $19.00
If via internet Booking, additional $1.00 per session, 20 cents for SMS confirmation
Total Cost: $ 19.00 + $1.20 = 20.20
If you want to include popcorn, then add $8.00. Suddenly, I think the Motorola commercial is so effective. The guy bought Popcorn and watches his movie via 3G. Muahahaha!
Total cost for the date: $28.20
Did anyone mention dating was an expensive game? So everyone should just go home and bear babies lah. To boost the birth growth.

This is my past 1 week anger.

Beng worked with me between 19th April 2005 - 22nd April 2005. Its been since 2002 I have actually seen him everyday. Although its only four days. But you see, I know him so long that sometimes I can read his mind off the rack. So its very easy for me to read his facial expression. But I must say the cheeky grin is still there.
He abuses my computer, my msn, my table. Haha!
The only consolation, chee kueh from tiong Bahru Market. Brilliant. But Oily stuff. You should gulp it down with lots of lots green tea. Ok. I miss him because of the chee Kueh.
Hahaha! You know sometimes, great company do make your day better and happier. When you know the friends actually know that you do not eat chilli, and he remembers it! Thoughts really counts.

Had a thought, Women Buy Things for no valid reason, there is also no why they want to buy the thing. Currently, my nick on msn. Muahahha.. I just had a urge to buy a pouch for my Thumbdrive(S). Not trying to boast my tech assets. I have three Thumb Drives, three SD Cards. I really need a handy pouch to contain those. (Ps, if I lost, it I will be poorer by 500bucks. LOL)
So I should just divide all my tech assets in order not to suffer a misfortune.

here's a picture of my workstation in office. Brilliantly compact. DVD Rom is on the left side. hee!

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