Thursday, August 04, 2005

Charlie & Chocolate Factory

I wanna watch this show! Shall catch it despite exams blues.
Talking about exams blues... I’m like putting on weight because I'm so stressed. Ok. That's an excuse. Whatever the reason is, I'm putting on weight.
Just had my Econs paper, I think I never wrote so much crap before. I'm praying by the heart and soul that I get over with this paper. Upcoming is FA..Erm... I'm not a very accounts person. Praying too.

Monday I took a cab from Toa Payoh to work, the sun was glazing hot... I cannot think further. Take cab. I just wanted to emphasize that I cannot think very well. The taxi driver actually tested my patience. I told him, " Upper Paya Lebar" & near Little Road. He kept insisting it was Paya Lebar Road and we should have gone by PIE. OMG! This was only the starting...
Then he went on and on.... I have instructed him to go by Braddell Road (I go by this route quite often) And keep insist on the route that he though was right. OMG!! Look! Uncle, I’m trying to get a breather that a three-hour stressful exam paper, just before I step into office and do my work. Nah..Of course I didn’t say that to him I just merely said, “ uncle, you know and think which is the best route you just go the way you like!”
This is how pissed I am, I usually do not just tell people off unless I’m very close with the person.
Previous entries I did mentioned that my workplace’s road are in a total mess, they are building the Circle line, the road changes it path every week. It’s worse than the lines on my palms…haha.. Back to the story, either the taxi driver didn’t understood what was turn right or his command for Chinese is stronger.
I said,” turn right at traffic light” turn right at traffic light turn right at traffic light.
Yes. That’s three times. I hate when I have to repeat myself sometimes.
And guess what? He replied, U Turn at traffic light ah? U Turn at traffic light ah? U Turn at traffic light ah?
The ordeal of me repeating three times started again. Thank god the traffic junction was long enough for him to finally realize it’s actually a TURN RIGHT AT TRAFFIC LIGHT!
OMG! Anger management must to come in…. I’m really losing it.
Got back to work… nothing much to follow up…hee.. Oh by the way, I have a Sri Lanka Papa and a Singapore Papa.
For the Sri Lanka Papa, it’s actually a QA Inspectors in our Rep office. He’s old enough to be my dad. Haha! He always have to call me in the office to confirm the jobs, I hate calling him, lousy line lah. So everytime he calls, my colleague will just say,” Bet it’s your Sri Lanka Papa!” This is so lame. As for the Singapore Papa, he’s actually my supervisor. Likewise, he’s old enough to be my dad. He always say if he were to be careless at a younger age, he would have a daughter as old as me. Muahaha..

Today something happened and I argued over it. I know it’s very lame to always argue. But this time I really cannot help it. I was asked to lend my Samsung E800C hand phone to a total stranger. The stranger is a colleague of someone’s. Hello!??! Did I mention that it’s a total stranger? Would you actually lend something to a total stranger? I just ranted off.
“Can you ensure that the handphone comes back with the same Number of scratches and same problem?” (The Handphone is a little faulty, just upgraded the program)
The person actually replied,” You don’t trust me then forget it lah” Wah…who need anger management now?
I do not trust the friend lor! I haven’t even meet or know her/his name and I’m supposed to loan it out. DUH.
So much for that matter, every time I think about it, I will just blow the calmness in me.
Yah. I did lend my pda to Beng, that’s because I know Beng since 1999! That’s like 6 years! And I know the whoever for 6 minutes?! Fa*k you!
Ask yourself, Would you be that kind to lend a Hand phone that might be worth at least 200bucks (Trade in price) to a total stranger?
I won’t. If you think I’m heartless then go ahead. Go find someone else to lend it to you then.
Seriously, I should just lend it to the doctor I just saw. I at least see him more often than the whoever.
I rest my soul about this case.
*Case Closed *

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