Monday, May 09, 2005

Random Thoughts..

I was waiting for time to pass ... I had some random thoughts..
How would you re-define a relationship? Was chatting with a girlfriend on msn earlier. I just blurt out this sentence out from nowhere, you never know when a 6 years relationship just fall apart in a split secs, even its 2190 days together as a couple. Everything is just so vulnerable that I feel I’m not exactly the best lover/ partner that I might be just the next person who actually get ditch. Should I say, Ditch is not a nice way to put it. I should say, " Things just didn’t work out"
Things just changes so fast, that putting everything down is not as easy as it is said.
But when you realise in your heart, things aren’t going to work out no matter how many quarrels you both had. Would you carry on?
Sometimes I just think couple lack communication that they do not confide to each other as often as they should. Why do the Ang Moh have a more lively life? Romantic and everything. Because they are people who speak their mind, and get things said. Problems can be surfaced and solved. But this is based on individuality.
But I notice this among Asians, they seldom like to talk about problems. Quarrel about a matter this moment, after a while they will just forget about the matter. A few months down the road, we are back at the same issue. Because we do not solve it. For myself, I personally think me communicating with my partner is the essential part of courtship and everything. This should carry on to married life not just dating. Of course, we cannot do without our rice bowl & Money in a relationship. How do you carry on a relationship when your partner actually only know stuff about you that are backdated months back. Your partner might just be the closest person around you, should news just get to her/him at the disposal minute? It’s just like when you are working, when information doesn’t get around, can things be done?

I'm feeling a little jittery today... too much thoughts...

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