Sunday, October 02, 2005

I wish....

Gucci Bag
Originally uploaded by buzzbeam.
2nd of October 2005
I now wish for Xmas to come faster. Muahahha... That's my Xmas wish for now. Until I find something better. that should be the one. Muahahha. Will it ever come in between my hands?
Suddenly, I wish you would just glide yourself between my fingers. The touch is amazing. (Ps, I'm imagining...LOLz, sounds a like XXX....)

just added it into my wishlist. You see I have to add in new things every time so that i will feel like a demanding woman. Hahaha!
Sometimes you would expect more from your closer ones.

I wanted to blog about something...Abit no link with the bag lah.

Sometimes when you are feeling a little down, do you wish you have someone to listen/rant/talk some rubbish into your head to make you feel better? I'm gald I found a few friends like that.
We can relate to each other better. We can talk for hours and feel that time is not a fact in life.
Beng Bought me a toy...haha. I sound like a kid. I will post it in later entries. Bcoz, don't have bluetooth at home lah. Gotta go office to extract it out.
Talking about that, I'm thinking of getting wireless keyboard and mouse. Because, I hate to pull the keyboard tray to type. Ok lah. its an excuse. At least, I know I won't be buying style wedding magazine for now. And go gara over my wedding preparation. Hahaha..Of course the time will come, but not for now. :P

Aiya, lost mood to blog. hahaha..sleepy now.

1 comment:

cowie said...

was doing blog surfing and you are my next door neighbour!Nice meeting you!