Monday, March 14, 2005

Desmond's Birthday

Saturday (12th March 2005)
A day where we celebrated Desmond, 23rd Birthday.
I must say our poly group has rubbery timing, we agreed to meet at 7pm, guess what? I reached at 8pm! Muahahha..I had to go fetch our darling nuaz queen and beng. Our Nuaz queen only woke up at 7pm, and she managed to catch the free ride down to orchard, how nice of me. Muahahha.. I was late :p
We settled our dinner at Phin's Steakhouse... Crowded. Because there were 11 of us, with scrae places, we waited for another half an hour. Can you imagine, Joanne was so hungry until she stood there and stressed the patrons there. Muahhaha.. Of course, we didn’t succeed in giving them the stress. Anyway, we realize its not the people who are eating slow, it’s the service that is bad.

The next paragraph will be dedicated for their "wonderful Service, *Reminder*, we paid 10% and we got quite disappointed service. The people serving are young, you cannot blame them for giving you the “not so good service” (Come on, you are only paid Peanuts for that few hours) So, Let’s push the blame on the Management. It’s Always the Management, if you cannot manage your staff well, your staff won’t put a good show to your party.
Firstly, we waited for our tables for 30minutes. Finally sat down, we already decided our orders. But the waitress was a little slow in taking orders, I won’t blame her since we are one Big group. Imagine taking order already took 15minutes.
2ndly, we waited for our food for almost an hour. Even those appetites came only 40minutes after our seats were heated up. Wait it finally came, our level of disappointment started to rise…
Minli order this Crispy Mushroom (It’s actually button mushroom with Batter), they ran out of Mushroom…and replace partially with fries. Interesting…
Joanne ordered this Buffalo wings, hahaha!I think “Do Re Mi” franchise can do a better wing. :P
I order this combo which consists of, fish, lamb, beef, chicken and fries.
Fish, the nicest thing on the plate
Lamb, the smelliest thing on the plate
Beef, the uncooked beef
Chicken, I think its rubber, Tough.
We had to get the chef to re-cook the beef, it’s as bloody as my monthly event. (Details will be spared)
Another part, the potato story. Suling’s Potato came boiled with a Leggie Root, without any Sour Cream or Butter. Just one solid Potato, just boiled to perfection.
Minli requested for the potato to be changed to fries but it never came….even after we ask for the bill.
We were 1 kind of troublesome patrons, asking for butter, sour cream, etc etc. Cannot make it leh!
Let’s see, our dinner took about 2 hours. I think the last time I had dinner that long was a 10 course dinner at a restaurant. Desmond & Xueling were a few bites away from finishing their dinner, and 60% of our food finally dish out.
Overall, it’s a roller coaster ride disappointment dinner.

After dinner, we had a plan! A flawless plan…an award winning plan! 10 eyes, 10 minds work together to bluff our Birthday boy, Desmond that we were all going home. We split to two different groups:-
1) Group 1 : Buying Cake
2) Group 2 : Drinks & Tibits
Our Mission : To Ambush Desmond at York Hotel (
Time Check : To arrive at hotel Room, 1503 at 11pm!
Ambush Starts!
I think our group is a little off key that day. Everyone was checking out how great the room was. My concern was whether they will come back before the ice cream cake melts. Muahaha..Its a Suite! It’s a Hotel Suite!
The couple came back! Doors were open! Cake was lit in front of desmond. The only (-ve Point) is, me not being dressed in a bunny suit (Haha!I was joking, I was holding the cake :p)I would say, Desmond came in the Room looking a little starry, he seems lost in the room.
Firstly, he got a shock of his life when the door opens without the key.2ndly, why is a fat ass (me) holding his birthday cake?3rdly, why are we still here?

The whole event was video-cam by Joanne. Our compere for the night too. Check out the video and you will realize you can hear the compere more than you hear the birthday boy. ( *Laugh out Loud*) Watching the video will make you feel how silly a bunch of 24s can stoop to.

Credits : Xueling, Lydia for being such a sport and a darling to desmond and giving him a surprise. And of course, bringing him around for ice cream so that we can ambush at the hotel room. Beng : For opening the door and hiding behind the door like a skinny monkey in desperate help.
Joanne : for making the video a comical one.The rest for making it a success.

We all make great actors & Actress...

I notice I always blog at this hour…Hahaha..1 more hour to knock off…

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